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July Case of the Month

July 24, 2018

Snoopy, a 10-year-old male Shih Tzu mix, presented to Stagecoach Pet Hospital for discharge from the eyes for several months.

Snoopy is up to date on vaccinations.

Physical Exam:

Snoopy has a normal body temperature, heart rate, and respiration. On examination, both eyes have an excessive amount of thick clear to green discharge. Both eyes are very red and irritated. He has normal vision in both eyes. The rest of his exam is within normal limits.


A Schirmer tear test was performed. This is an in-house test that determines if a patient is producing a normal amount of tears to lubricate the eye.

  • The tear test result in the left eye was 8mm.
  • The tear test result in the right eye was 10mm.

This is low. We prefer for tear production to be between 15-25mm.

Snoopy has Keratoconjunctivitis sicca or dry eye disease. This is a deficiency in the water portion of the tears. This is a very irritating and uncomfortable condition.


Snoopy was started on cyclosporine. This is an immunomodulating drug used in human medicine that helps restore tear production.

Snoopy is now doing great and is much more comfortable in his eyes!!

Does your pet have thick discharge from the eyes or irritated eyes? Let us know!

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